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Yoga - Mind, Body & Soul :

The word "yoga"--from the sanskrit root yuj ("to yoke")--is generally translated as "union" or "integration." It means integration of body, mind and spirit. It’s goal is attainment of liberation from wordly suffering and the cycle of death. It originated in India thousand of years ago as a physical and ethical discipline and meditation, focused ultimately, on union with God.

The common form of yoga is the practice of concentration and meditation. It also emphasizes on posture and breathing. Sustained single-pointed concentration gradually leads to meditation; in which the inner faculties are able to expand and merge with something vast. It reports the feeling of peace, joy, and oneness.

There are several kinds of yoga that are being practised today. The prospect of the new century has brought it’s desire for wellbeing and aesthetics, balance as well as fitness, a quiet mind as well as an energetic body.

Ashtanga Yoga :

Ashtanga Yoga - Also know as Power Yoga. It’s the system of Yoga taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. It literally means "eight-limbed yoga," the path of internal purification for revealing the Universal Self. It consists of the following eight spiritual practices:
Yama [moral codes]
Niyama [self-purification and study]
Asana [posture]
Pranayama [breath control]
Pratyahara [sense control]
Dharana [concentration]
Dhyana [meditation]
Samadhi [contemplation]

The main difference of this style of Yoga to other styles is the focus on vinsaya, which is the union of movement and breath. By synchronizing the breath with progressive series of postures—a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. This intense heart purifies the muscle and organs, expelling unwanted toxins and it releases minerals and hormones that nourishes the body when the seat is massaged back into the skin.
The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind. Through this practice of correct breathing, postures, and gazing point, one gains control of the senses and a deeper awareness of self.

The ashtanga has has three groups of sequences:

1. Yoga Chikitsa is the first series that detoxifies and aligns the body.

2. Nadi Shodhana is the second series. It is known to purify the nervous system by opening and clearing the energy channels.

3. Sthira Bhaga is the Advance A, B, C or D. This requires higher levels of flexibility and humility. It integrate the strenght and grace of the practice. Each of the series should be practiced and developed carefully before proceeding to the next. They are always performed in conjunction with each other.

Iyengar Yoga :
This kind of yoga is most widely recognized approach of Hatha Yoga. It is known for its use of props, such as belts and blocks, as aids in performing asanas (posture). It is firmly based on the traditional eight limbs of yoga as expounded by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras, emphasizing the development of strength, stamina, flexibility and balance, as well as concentration (Dharana) and meditation (Dyana).

Iyengar Yoga is characterized by great attention to detail and precise focus on body alignment. Through the emphasize of alignment one’s mind is focused on the action and the feeling of the pose and it naturally become more quite and drawn into the moment. Iyengar strengthen the weak part and the stiff areas to stretch.
It awakens and realign the whole body. When the body is better align, less muscular work is required and relaxation increases naturally. Physical body is revitalized, gradually the stability and concentration are developed and the process of looking inward is begun. Standing poses are also emphasized in Iyengar Yoga. They build strong legs, increase general vitality, and improve circulation, coordination and balance, ensuring a strong foundation for study of more advanced poses. The same with the all forms of yoga, the emphasis of Iyengar is integration of body, mind and spirit.






















































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