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Beauty Care Tips

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Nails care tips :

For an easier painting technique, check the beauty section of a drug store or superstore for a French manicure kit. The set should contain, at the very least, nail polish in white and pink or beige and a clear topcoat. Some manicure sets - like COVERGIRL’s French Manicure Kit – will contain tiny, sticky nail guides. These make the manicure process 100 times easier by allowing you to place the guides on each nail individually, leaving a small margin where the polish can spill outside the tip without tainting the rest of the nail.

9 TIPS To avoid Nail Damage :

1.The simplest way to avoid nail damage is to wear gloves.
2.If you can't wear gloves, you could at least use a long handled mop-this allows you to keep your hands off water and your nails will definitely benefit.
3.If you do get your hands wet, remember to rinse them well and dry them carefully after the work is done.
4.Then apply ample amounts of a moisturising cream.
5.You must also take certain other precautions:
A.Use a pencil to operate the dial;
B.Use a tin-opener to open tins;
C.Use gardening gloves;
D.Avoid contact with strong chemicals;
E.Use moisturisers liberally.
6.Wear Polish-It works as a barrier for your nails and use acetone-free nail polish remover.
7.File in one direction only-Filing back and forth is bad because this frays and weakens the nails.File your nails in one direction only for the best results.
8.Keep your nails short.
9.Manicure after a bath.It is best to do your manicure after a bath because your nails are soft.















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